It’s meant to be summer down here in Australia, but the waves and weather haven’t shown up as they should around Sydney. We’re still waiting on our 35C heat wave days!
“Best “in-the-moment” life lesson? No matter how small the waves, or how gray the day, just keep paddling. Soon enough that smile will show up, and so will the sun”
It was also a treat to try out this latest bad boy, the G-Bomb Springsuit by Rip Curl. And wow, does the softness and flexility of this wettie impress. Warm enough to keep me diving a couple 50 times t’ill Matt gets the shot, and cool enough to make me look good, even though all I did was swallow about a gallon of sea water (which later turned into tap nose).
All the more reason to keep paddling, keep smiling, and finding a million and one reasons to joke around in the water.
Simple reminders to make the best of a situation, to remember the highlight reel and the funny moments that are at the heart of every encounter. No matter how goofy or silly or salty.
So thanks Rip Curl, And Matt, for being a part of it and putting this all together. I think I’ve got perma-grin t’ill Christmas rolls round.
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