Today a student came up to me after class and thanked me for inspiring her to start her yoga teacher training. It was a little over a year ago we had a one-on-one session and she told me she was looking for growth in her yoga practice. I suggested she look into teacher training and little did I know that the idea stuck with her and a few months ago she decided to enroll. She told me the learning process had changed her life and she practices with a new sense of wonder and appreciation.
I am truly humbled by the power of teaching, and yoga. To be able to help even one person make a positive impact and do something towards what makes them happiest is the whole reason why I do what I do. Even with my stories on No Shoes No Worries.
When I walk into a studio and start teaching, no matter how crappy or incredible my day was, teaching brings me back down to earth. The ability to focus on something other then myself, to look at my students, to observe and teach them how to adapt, is the greatest meditation of all. I am truly grateful for what this practice has done to me, in every way shape or form.
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